Our mentor, business associate and friend John J. Pilato with whom we worked beginning in 1985, passed away this month. John was a person who touched the hearts of all with his wisdom, led many people to see their success and enjoyed his wine with wry humor. He is missed dearly by many.
Jack Schell composed the song, “Papa Pilato” in John’s memory. Jack has always had a special way of capturing the essence of an individual’s personality and translating it into a musical piece for that person. We feel that Jacko accomplished that for John. See if you agree. We grant a non-exclusive license to his family and friends to download and play this song for their personal use. Celebrate John! Listen to”Papa Pilato” on The Fan Page at www.TheSoundWeaver.com or click here: http://www.thesoundweaver.com/music/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=35&Itemid=39
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